Home Did You Know You Could Run Linux Commands On Google’s Bard

Did You Know You Could Run Linux Commands On Google’s Bard

Before I can go into how I discovered this, I want to lay out how I got there. The other day I was messing around on my Kali VM, trying to create a bash script to pull IPs from log files. Kept getting errors and frustrated, so I turned to Google’s Bard asking question how it would do the same thing and comparing my code to it. Now jumping between VM and Bard, I forgot to jump back into my VM, and ran the command ls. To which Bard gave the the contents of it’s current directory. I thought I just discovered something. So I tried to traverse the file system on Bard to see what else I could discover. Which lead me to putting a bug bounty into Google, since I looked online and couldn’t find anything on being able to do this. Well I got the email back from Google stating that it is not a security vulnerability, and is intented. So I wanted to share my discovery with you, this is basically how I went about doing it!!!

So let us test some commands on Google Bard!!!! Starting out simply, let’s run ls and see what Bard give’s us:

You can see from the screen shot above that it will list its current directories contents.

Can we change directorires? Let us trying with the cd /, then ls -la to see the contents of we are:

Now ls -la:

As you can see we are now in the root directory. Can we move into any of those files? Let’s try cd sbin:

Ok we are in, let’s see what we can see with ls -la:

We can see the contents of the /sbin, and since we ran ls with the -la parameter. We see who owns the files, mostly root. But let’s see if we can change that. Type in Bard chown bard:bard cp

Checking out if it works:

Bard kind of went nuts and changed a bunch of different file owners.

With this little write-up on running Linux commands in bard, go out and test Bard to see what it is capable of. Explore your enviroment, Expand your knowledge, and finally Be Awesome!!!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.